Use of internal and external links

Posted on August 21, 2023


The implementation of SEO strategies will help your website stand out from that sea of ​​content that exists out there, now we will tell you why including internal and external links is part of the SEO strategy for the positioning of your site.

Let's start at the beginning, what is an internal link?

Internal links are those that go from one page to another within the same site or domain.

We usually use them when accessing pages is difficult because they have a large amount of text.

Let's give an example: Imagine that your site has a section of blogs, and one of them is about cars, you give advice, you make price updates, you offer your opinion on which are the best vehicles.

Most of these posts will be detailed, with a lot of information, internal linking is that tool that helps people read about that topic more specifically, redirecting them to a particular site where they will see exactly what they want to see.

The use of internal links must always be logical and always follow a strategy, so we advise you to set up a small network of links of different content within your same domain, this will help search engines to do their job better and improve the positioning of your website. place.

A study carried out by Zyppy, which is dedicated to SEO solutions, reaffirms that internal links, used correctly and well applied, are quite powerful to increase traffic to our site.

Why are internal links important?

There are two main reasons why internal links become important:

  • They offer us a greater possibility for users to remain on the site
  • For Googlebot (and its 3 phases) it will be easier to do its job

Crawling. This phase uses the tracking of new content that is uploaded to Google, through internal links, the platform tracks new content in a better way, since once linked it is better for Google.

Indexing. Here content is placed within the Google rankings, internal links help to index the content better and more accurately.

Ranking. In this phase the content is simply positioned, if the two previous phases are executed in a good way, the crawling of our content by Google will be effective and with better results.

Types of internal links

Product to product link. We must always make sure that our service or product pages are linked to each other, if at all, we must make sure that our pages are connected to the others.

Link blog content to blog content. Mainly, this is the type of link that we usually use, the more content we write and publish, the more pages we will have to work on when it comes to internal links, therefore, you will start to find that we can always use the “Learn more here”, and thus direct it to other content making our website more attractive and interactive.

These types of links are the most used and are also the easiest to use, which is why Google appreciates them the most, so using them correctly will help your site rank better in web searches.

External links

Now in the background we have the external links, they are defined as those links that direct to another website or domain different from yours.

We must take into account when adding external links that we should not abuse them, since it would affect search engines and this affects SEO positioning, so you must always review this:

That the links are related and provide added value.

Now, how to know if a site is trustworthy? Easy, let's just think if we would recommend the page that we are going to add to someone, if you are doubting your answer, do not add that link.

Advantages of external links

We make connections. On some occasions, when we link to other sites, they notice and return a link to our content, it is a good way to establish connections and authority with a website.

We help improve the user experience. By offering valuable and quality content to the user, this benefits our site because they use us as a referral source and we gain credibility.

We improve the possibility of diffusion. This is the most obvious, the more valuable information and web links that expand or validate the content, the better the possibility of being shared on social networks, although this may not seem like it, it improves our reputation and helps with the SEO of the site indirectly. .

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